Sunday, November 4, 2007

QC2 West - Jaguar - Semi-Final Product

Here's a (semi) final look at our last collage. We all felt like this is at a decent spot to stop and start a new composition, and see where it takes us now that we understand the process. This is one that I started just after.

1 comment:

Ramon said...


Nice job. You may need to tighten up a few things on the last version so that we can call it done. The left side, although abstract in nature should have deliberate moves. Also, the cops need that 'digital' treatment that Eric introduced them with. Oh, and I miss the 'obey' sticker on the underside of the freeway. See if you can bring that back.

ANd I think the 'mirroring' effect was a good thing, for the sake of the composition.

Very close my friend.

And the new comp is a great start. Can't wait to see what Vest does with it. Portals, Vest, portals.